Friday – 9/13
How can we design spaces where creators feel at home?
Registration / Coffee at 9:00 AM
9:30 AM — Opening: Connecting with the Land
10:15 AM — Conversations Exploring the Question of the Day
Firestarter stories: Sandi Clark Kaddy, Jeff Jean-Philippe
Facilitated by Diannely Antigua
Conversations among everyone.
12:30 PM — Lunch
1:30 PM — Workshops: Two Sessions
Expressive Movement with Jeff Jean-Philippe
Poetry with Diannely Antigua
Music with Elae Weekes
Awakening Our Creative Path – Constellations with Beth Tener
3:45 PM — Open Space Conversations and/or Creative Time
5:30 PM — Dinner
7:00 PM — Community Connections & Bonfire
Saturday – 9/14
How can the arts serve as a bridge between different cultures and promote new understanding and healing?
Registration / Coffee at 9:00 AM
9:30 AM — Opening: Connecting with the Land, Movement
10:15 AM — Conversations Exploring the Question of the Day
Firestarter stories: Elae Weekes, Terry Farish, Lochan Sharma, Najee Brown
Facilitated by Victoria Carrington
Conversations among everyone.
12:30 PM — Lunch
1:30 PM — Workshops: Two Sessions
Sacred Geometry: An Artist’s Perspective with JacQueline Marie Ward
Creating a Noble Story, collage with Gordon Arzu
Writing Your Narrative with Najee Brown & Robert Sapiro
Music with Elae Weekes
3:45 PM — Open Space Conversations and/or Creative Time
4:45 PM — Movement & Meditation with Nailah Randall-Bellinger
5:30 PM — Dinner
7:00 PM — Open Mic + Dancing
Sunday – 9/15
How can the arts help us growth healthy and generous communities we want to live in?
Registration / Coffee at 9:00 AM
9:30 AM — Movement, Meditation & Music with RootsUprising
10:15 AM — Conversations Exploring the Question of the Day
Firestarter stories: Jennice Chewlin, Eimear O’Neill, Rena Robinson
Facilitated by Frank Graham Robinson, Jr.
Conversations among everyone.
12:30 PM — Lunch
1:30 PM — Co-Creative Space
Collective art project to synthesize the conference themes